Ayam Cemani Chickens, why?

The Ayam Cemani is an uncommon and relatively modern breed of chicken from the island of Java, Indonesia. They have a dominant gene that causes hyperpigmentation making the chicken entirely black. Their beaks, tongues, combs, wattles, and even their meat and organs appear black. The blood is red but darker than normal, and the bone marrow is black. The roosters weigh about 4.5 pounds and the hens weigh about 3.5 pounds.

In appearance, they are strong and muscular with close-fitting feathers, not unlike a game bird. They strike a confident pose and are always alert.  They are intelligent, gentle, and docile, including the roosters.

 They are easy to handle and low maintenance foul. The Ayam Cemani is a fairly poor egg layer. On average, they will lay around 80 eggs per year, which is just over 1 egg per week. They will often lay for an extended period of time, laying 20 to 30 eggs, and then stop for up to six months. Then they will start all over again.

In comparison to the size of the hen, the eggs are quite large, and they are cream-colored with a very slight pink tint - not black!

Rarely do they go broody, but if they do, they make good mothers and pair well for their chicks. Ayam Cemanis are usually cold and hot weather tolerant. Most people buy Ayam Cemanis for their novelty and as eye candy. If you are interested in obtaining these unusual birds, be prepared to pay a premium. They have become one of the most sought-after chickens.  If you can find quality birds, they may be as costly as $200 per unsexed day-old chick.


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